Global expertise with local faces
Global expertise with local faces

Board Performance & Committees


Committees are practical ways to structure and manage the work of the board. Sometimes if they are a smaller group it can be more focused and efficient in dealing with the issues than the full board. A committee is created to provide counselling and advice for the board to handle a task on the board’s agenda. The board retains ultimate responsibility for any actions made by the committee.

These are the decision-making activities of the directors of a company. It is the ability of the directors to execute their roles effectively, it helps in the evaluation of the organizational performance and its achievements. If it is successful it affects the overall effectiveness of the organization. Therefore, board performance is integral and the critical decisions by the stakeholders determine target and the effectiveness of the organization. Our experts will concern themselves both with the establishment of the board performance and executive committees and also an evaluation of them

How we can help?

We maintain independence in Board Performance and Committees services. Following are the services we offer:

  • Performance Reporting
  • Agenda Management
  • Followup of Minutes of Meeting
  • Liaison with Regulators/ External Stakeholder

Noman Siddiqui, FCA

Executive Director

+92 21 3242 2344, 3246 7406 Ext. 106


Executive Director